My computer has been off to the doc, again. My computer seems to get a virus every month and each month just seems to be getting worse and, yes, I do have a virus protection. For what good that is doing me.
I sure enjoyed the beautiful weather we had this weekend. We have to start making up our snow days just any Monday now so I am making good use of the days I have off for now.
I have been using my Monday's off to clean out closets. I have cleaned out two and I have one more to go, my bedroom. This one is not going to be as bad as the others since it is my closet (dh has his own and I am not allowed to touch his since he knows I will throw away. lol) I already have my closet pretty much straighted up but I do need to go through my clothes. I feel like I have accomplished so much these last few weeks. I have thrown away about 7 garbage bags of "stuff" and taken 3 to Goodwill Saturday.
It does have it's disadvantages though. Usually on Monday's I try to get my house back to normal from the weekend, cook a lot and clean my kitchen appliances on that day. Needless to say, this has not been done. My refrigerator is in need of a good cleaning and we won't even start on my oven. Oh how I hate to clean an oven.
So, this is what I want to accomplish today.
Hang out two loads of clothes - done
Clean my closet out - done
Prepare my hamburger for several meals this week - halfway done
Bake a cake (if I can come up with some frosting)
Clean up my kitchen - done
Take a shower and wash my hair - done
Clean the garbage out of my car - done
Cook supper - done
Type up two new recipes for my blog completed one
Type up some more recipes for my recipe book on the computer - done
Oh I am already so tired! lol I will let you know how I did. Off I go!! Have a great day!